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Adham Tebbie • Jan 01, 2021

Functional Mechanisms of the Physical Realm

The conceptual nature of the Sefirot is the most primary relationship possible to potentially exist between Creator and creation. This is the Cause Effect relationship. Cause is Keter, while Effect is Malkhut - Aryeh Kaplan in Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (1997)

Knowledge and Purpose of Existence

In A Kabbalah Oriented World, I portray a general overview on the Jewish Mysticism Scriptures collectively known as the Kabbalah. I recommend that you read the article in order to gauge a better understanding of the information below as the article delves into certain aspects of the Kabbalah in particular the Book of Zohar which is the leading authority on the theological components of the Kabbalah. 

At some point in our lives, we all have pondered on what our purpose is in this life. Behind the personality we portray to society, an alternate personality exists, the real us. In search of meaning and purpose we ask our real selves for example the following questions:


  • Why am I here?;
  • Why do I live such a life?; and
  • What purpose does it intend fulfil?

The text below does not attempt to answer the first question for you as the answer can only be ascertained by each individual for themselves . However, this article does attempt the other two question through analysing and discussing the origins of Knowledge, Wisdom and Human Creation in simple terms to put into perspective the emergence of modern day intellectual history and how it influences our thoughts, behaviours and aspirations.

Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus is a name attributed to a Prophet of God and Ancient Greek and Egyptian Gods. Based on the characteristics and sayings of these historical figures, who all shared similar characteristics, are attributed to the name Hermes Trismegistus. Composites of the name include Prophet Enoch/Idris, the Ancient Greek God Hermes and the Ancient Egyptian God Thoth. Texts and Scriptures believed to be derived from these figures are said to include the alchemy of the universe. Through the Texts and Scriptures attributed to Hermes, humans became aware of the alchemy of astrology, alchemy of physical material, alchemy of psychology and alchemy of transcendence.

Knowledge derived from the works of Hermes Trismegistus include the 7 planet solar system as perceived from earth, 12 signs of the Zodiac, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology and Religion. If Hermetic works were to be abandoned today, the universe as we perceive it will crumble on itself. All the information below up until ‘Opinion’, all trace back to the teachings of Hermes as is every facet of knowledge known to mankind. 

Here is an excerpt from The Book of Enoch/Idris, which in Chapter 72 says:

  1. And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary sun has its ascent in the portals of the heavens which are towards the east, and his descent in the western portals of heaven.
  2.  And I saw six portals, out of which the sun ascends, and six portals into which the sun descends; the moon also rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those led by them; six in the east and six in the west, and all, each after the other, aright; also many windows to the right and to the left of these portals.
  3. And first comes forth the great luminary called the sun; and his circuit is like the circuit of the heavens, and he is entirely filled with flaming and heating fire.
  4. The wagons on which he ascends are driven by the wind, and the sun descending disappears from the heavens and returns through the north in order to reach the east, and is led that he comes to that portal and shines on the surface of heaven.
  5. And thus he comes forth, in the first month, in the great portal, and he comes forth from the fourth of these six portals towards the east.
  6. And in that fourth portal, from which the sun comes forth in the first month, there are twelve window openings, from which a flame proceeds when they are opened in their time.
  7. When the sun rises from the heavens he comes out of that fourth portal thirty mornings, and descends directly into the fourth western portal of heaven.

I encourage you to also read Chapter 60 in Section 10 of the book for it would prove to you that the different facets of scientific knowledge are derived from The Book of Enoch/Idris. Many secrets are outlined in the book but many other secrets still remain a mystery, or perhaps in the possession of the so-called bearers of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Purpose of Life According to the Kabbalah

The Kabbalah provides that angels in Paradise taught Adam the art of transmutation in preparation for his "Fall" to make his way back towards paradise, return to being in the presence of God. Through said teachings, involution and evolution from a Divine Consciousness to Divine Self-Consciousness will guide him (Adam's offspring) back to his initial place prior to that of earth. 

The above is supported by Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Freemason in his book
Morals and Dogmas of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry published in 1871. In his book Pike says "The Son of Man or Soul of the World, enters into the Darkness, becomes its captive, to end by tempering and softening its savage nature. The Divine Spirit, after having brought back the Primitive Man to the Empire of Light, raises above the world that part of the Celestial Soul that remained unaffected by being mingled with the Empire of Darkness. Placed in the region of the Sun and Moon, this pure soul, the Son of Man, the Redeemer or Christ, labours to deliver and attract to Himself that part of the Light or of the Soul of the First Man diffused through matter; which done, the world will cease to exist."

The passage continues, "To retain the rays of Light still remaining among his Eons, and ever tending to escape and return, by concentrating them, the Prince of Darkness, with their consent, made Adam, whose soul was of the Divine Light, contributed by the Eons, and his body of matter, so that he belonged to both Empires, that of Light and that of Darkness."


Finally goes on to say, "To prevent the light from escaping at once, the Demons forbade Adam to eat the fruit of "knowledge of good and evil," by which he would have known the Empire of Light and that of Darkness. He obeyed; an Angel of Light induced him to transgress and gave him the means of victory; but the Demons created Eve, who seduced him into an act of Sensualism, that enfeebled him, and bound him anew in the bonds of matter. This is repeated in the case of every man that lives."

Sefer Yetzirah

Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (1997) written by Aryeh Kaplan conveys a concise deconstruction of the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation/Creation) as a mystic, meditative and philosophical text, heavily incorporating magical overtones. In general, Sefer Yetzirah consists of thirty-two paths to wisdom defined as different states of consciousness known as Sefirot. According to Kabbalists, the thirty-two paths are derived from the thirty-two times God’s name Elohim is mentioned in the Torah accounting for creation in the first chapter of The Book of Genesis. In these accounts, the saying ‘God said’ is mentioned ten times allude to the ten Sefirot. The other twenty-two times God is mentioned parallel the twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The three times in which the expression “God made’ appears parallel the three mothers. The seven repetitions of ‘God saw’ refer to the seven doubles. The remaining twelve names parallel the twelve elementals. 

The above-mentioned thirty-two paths are known as the paths to wisdom (Hokhomah). In Kabbalah, this is seen as a pure undifferentiated mind, it is pure thought which hasn’t been broken up into differentiated ideas. The
Talmud states “He who wishes to attain Hokhomah must learn from every man”. It is on the level of wisdom that all man is one hence if one is on this level he must learn from every human being and indeed from all creation. The Talmud states “who is wise he who perceives the future, this is because wisdom is the pure mind force that transcends time”. According to this Talmudic saying, the level of wisdom past, present and future have not yet been separated hence on this level of wisdom one can see the future like the past and present. Mass Data collection? Hegelian Dialectic?

Water and Fire

An important difference in context of  fire and water made in the Sefer Yetzirah, is that water naturally flows downward, while fire tends to ascend upwards. Fire also causes the air above it to move it upward, and prevents it from descending. In a similar manner, Binah (understanding) tends to restrict and curtail the flow of spiritual sustenance (Shefa in Hebrew)* downward to the lower spheres. In this respect, it is the precise opposition of Hokhmah (Wisdom). If Hokhmah is the source of giving, then Binah is the source of restraint. The analogy of fire and water also refers to the mental states implied by Hokhmah and Binah. The Midrash (A Jewish Scripture) states, “Water conceived and gave birth to gloom (Afelah), Fire conceived and gave birth to Light, Breath (Ruach) conceived and gave birth to wisdom.

Shefa in Arabic means healing or recovery.

Wisdom and Creation Through Sefer Yetzirah

Jewish sages teach their followers that one of the main reasons why man was placed in a physical world was to overcome the forces of evil. The Zohar expresses it by stating that we (humans) are here “to turn darkness into light”.  Aryeh Kaplan in his book Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (1997) said that in the spiritual realm, it is utterly impossible to bring two opposite, they are by definition, poles apart. This is made in reference to the distinction between God and Man. Thus, for example, God and man are worlds apart - “as the heavens are higher than the earth”. On a purely spiritual plane, it would be totally impossible for the two ever to be brought together. It was for this reason that God created the concept of space to accommodate the man’s creation of the physical world.

It is only in a physical being that both good and evil can exist together in the physical man. One reason why God created man in a physical world was to allow him to have full freedom of choice, with both good and evil as part of his makeup. Without a physical world, these two concepts could never exist in the same being. Spiritual things can be bound to the material, just as, for example, the soul is bound to the body. Two opposites can then be brought together by being bound to physical objects. In the physical world, space exists, and two opposites can literally be pushed together. Furthermore, two spiritual opposites can even be bound to the same material object.

According to
Rabbinical interpretation of the book of genesis, it was through the letters of the Hebrew alphabet that the universe was created. The Sefer Yetzirah in relation to these letters says ,”with them He depicted all that was formed, and all that would ever be formed. With each act of creation, the Torah reports that “God said”. Thus, “God said: let there be light,” and “God said let there be a firmament”. Thus, God brought creation into being by way of sayings. These sayings in turn consisted of words, and these words were formed out of letters. Hence, leading us to the conclusion that the universe was created through letters of the Hebrew alphabet. If one knows how to manipulate the letters correctly, they can then also manipulate the most elemental forces of creation. The Sefer Yetzirah outlines, from a theological standpoint, how to acquire the ability of knowing how to manipulate letters correctly for the purposes of creation, particularly in this instance, the physical realm. 

It is only through the course of attaining the last levels of the Sefirot that the concept of number comes into being. In this mode every event and action is measured and weighed by the Sefirot and the appropriate response is conceived and calculated. The Sefirot are means through which God communicates with his creation and also the means through which man communicates with God. If not for the Sefirot God the infinite being would be absolutely unknowable and unreachable, it is only through the Sefirot He can be approached. 

Hegel’s Dialectic - Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis

Human civilisation of today is not a manifestation of lessons learnt from the past events of human history. Events throughout the course of human history since the Middle Ages (5th to 15th Century) up until now have been meticulously planned and carefully executed.

Thesis, antithesis and synthesis dialectic, a philosophical concept introduced in the 19th century by Georg Hegel in
The Encyclopedia Logic” (1812). The order of the dialectic goes as follows:

  • Thesis - A form of understanding composed of concepts abstracted from the understanding of sensation. Concepts, theories, practices developed based on their true nature.
  • Antithesis - Negation of Thesis. Happening of events which oppose the nature of the Thesis.
  • Synthesis - Outcome of Positive Reason. Apprehension of unity terms combining the Thesis and Antithesis.

An example would be the next phase of
Covid-19 outbreak. Politicians and medical experts have been urging the masses to stay vigilant after the major spread has subsided; this is a thesis. The second major outbreak resulting in an economic collapse will be the antithesis. The synthesis will be world-wide compliance with social distancing until everyone around the world has been vaccinated and indoctrinated with the incoming Great Reset economic/political ideology.

Wisdom in Islam

Prof.Dr. Alaaadin Basar elaborates on the nature and implementation of Hikmah (Wisdom) in Islam. I must note that the Hebrew word for Wisdom is Hokhmah. Nonetheless, in an article, Basar states that Wisdom has been defined in various way including:

  • Performing something in the ideal and optimum way.
  • Science explaining the real nature of things.
  • Divine mysteries and intentions inherent in things.
  • Knowledge together with action.
  • Beneficial knowledge and good deeds.

Dr Basar attributes these definitions to three common themes; secret, intention and benefit. In order to gain the most insight into the subject of wisdom, he considers the Hikmah definition of Knowledge together with action. He says,
Islamic scholars do not regard solitary knowledge as wisdom. They stipulate that, acting on that knowledge, implementing that knowledge and getting beneficial results must exist.

Dr Basar further goes on to say, “
Wisdom also has the meaning of prophethood. Prophethood is a Divine institution. The messengers of Allah read the book of the Universe and taught it and demanded some duties from men, at Allah's command. They taught human beings completely that everything was created in the bounds of wisdom and that they all had thousands of functions. Then, they thoroughly established in the hearts of people that men, whom all of the beings serve, must have an important duty; otherwise, all those creatures which are created wisely would serve purposelessness, aimlessness and nothingness. Therefore, the true wisdom is in prophethood, not in philosophy. Knowledge and acting in accordance with it is taught together in the school of prophethood. And in this school, the wisdom of beings is learned from their Creator directly. 

School of Prophethood? And God directly teaches these so-called beings of wisdom in this school? Doesn’t this idea contradict Prophet Muhammed's Sunnah? 

I am in no way shape or form disputing the fact that Muhammed was a prophet of God. What I am disputing is whether the claimed sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammed other than those linked to the revelations of the Quran were in fact true. My suspicions are not derived from the above teachings of Dr Basar per se, but more so the uncanny resemblance in concept between Islam and Kabbalah in relation to Wisdom. 

“(Wisdom) established in the hearts of people that men, whom all of the beings serve, must have an important duty; otherwise, all those creatures which are created wisely would serve purposelessness, aimlessness and nothingness.”
Is that so Dr. Alaaadin Basar? Then why did hundreds of million people die as a result of war and famine in the 20th century?

Wisdom in Christianity

In Christian scripture, Proverbs 1:7 says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction". Furthermore, in 1 Kings 3:8-10 states “And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people, too many to be numbered or counted for multitude. 9. Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” 10. It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.”. 

The Book of Wisdom, a deuterocanonical book in the Bible, is attributed to King Solomon although it was not him who authored the book. Nonetheless,
Wisdom 7:25-27 says “She (Wisdom) is a breath of God's power—a pure and radiant stream of glory from the Almighty. Nothing that is defiled can ever steal its way into Wisdom. 26. She is a reflection of eternal light, a perfect mirror of God's activity and goodness. 27. Even though Wisdom acts alone, she can do anything. She makes everything new, although she herself never changes. From generation to generation she enters the souls of holy people, and makes them God's friends and prophets. Isn’t this familiar to something you read above? 

Similarly to the Islamic perception of Wisdom, Christianity construes Wisdom as knowledge and understanding that can only be acquired through communication channels between God and mankind. Furthermore, the two religions share commonality in views towards the purpose and importance of wisdom, in particular, the purposes of guiding human masses to and through God’s chosen path and discern between Good and Evil.


Aryen Kaplan who authored Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (1997) was for a time the assistant of world-renowned German-Jew Physicist J.Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer known as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb”, along with the scientist team he organised, formulated the atomic bomb, one of which had been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Apparently Oppenheimer was deeply troubled by the destruction caused by the atomic bomb, he claimed to have built the bomb for the purposes of its knowledge to force nations to work for peace in the world. Oppenheimer caused the destruction of two entire cities killing almost over 200,000 people. Yet he is revered in the science community for his efforts in helping the United Nations to regulate the control of atomic energy. Pathetic. Nevertheless, it is quite evident that in this case the Thesis was the bomb; Antithesis was the cause of destruction; and Synthesis was the fear of nuclear warfare dictating foreign policy amongst nations.

Source: Watch Original Video Here

There is a trail of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis coinciding with World War I, World War II, Israel-Palestine War, The Cold War, Lebanese Civil War, 9/11, Iraq War, Afghan War, 7/7 Bombings, War on ISIS and COVID-19. All sides involved in these destructive historical events were motivated, funded and supported by the so-called bearers of Wisdom at the time.


God faithful King in Hebrew is El Melekh Ne’eman. The initial letters of this phrase spell out Emn, and according to the talmud, it is this phrase that defines the word Amen/Ameen in Christianity and Islam. The statement here that God is “faithful” means that He is accessible only through faith. So when Christians, Muslims and Jews are praying to God, they are incorporating Rabbi Talmudic interpretations in their act of prayer. This is one example of how the teachings of Babylonian Rabbis have infiltrated Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Another example can be identified in
Aryen Kaplan’s book in which he says “when we say that God is “blessed”, this means that His essence is brought down, so as to interact with his Creation and “bless it”. Hence, it is related to the word Hebrew word “berekh” meaning “knee.” Just as the knee, when it is bent, serves to lower the body, so a blessing serves to lower the divine.” This is especially relevant to Arabic speaking Muslims, Christians and Jews. The Hebrew word “berekh” in Arabic means “bless”. I think God blessed mankind with rain forming clouds, vegetation seeds forming roots in and growing from soil; sustenance derived from God created Earth. However, people today of monotheistic faith bless human creation hence attributing human creation to God’s ability to create, thus subconsciously implying that humans possess God’s ability to create. 

Ibrahim Mandani, in his book The Preservation of Haith says “Without ahadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammed), the iman (faith) of a Muslim is incomplete. After all, how do we know that the Qur’an is the book of Allah? If we know the Qur’an and its place, it is only because the Blessed Prophet  said, “This is the Qur’an; it is the word of Allah.” If we were to reject this ahadith of the Blessed Prophet  then the whole foundation of Islam collapses. We would not know that the Qur’an is what it claims to be.”

Firstly, the Prophet’s saying that ‘God’s revelations are indeed God’s word' is the Prophet conveying God’s words, not hadith. God specifically orders the Prophet to say this. Secondly, Ibrahim Mandani saying that the foundation of Islam collapses if it isn’t for the sayings of the Blessed Prophet is absolute non-sense. In effect this is associating the authority of God’s word with that of man’s word; a representation of the general ideology of Kabbalah. Lastly, Manadani claims that without the sayings of the Blessed Prophet we would not know what the Quran is and what it claims to be. This is partly true. Prophet Muhammed was indeed chosen by God to reveal the Quran and through that people were made aware of God’s word. But the Prophet’s role as a Messenger does not extend beyond revealing the Quran. The role of God’s Messenger does not give the Prophet authority to express God’s view on certain aspects other than what was revealed in the Quran.

Again, I am not disputing that Muhammed was the Prophet of God, nor am I disputing that he was the Messenger of God’s revelations. I firmly believe that Prophet Muhammed was the Prophet and Messenger of God because the Quran says so. However, I am of the view that the sayings of Prophet Muhammed in relation to notions abstract to the words of God in the Quran were fabricated. This view is purely based on the fact that these particular sayings were derived from man and not from God. Sayings conveyed by man taken to be the authority of God falls in line with the general purpose of the Kabbalah; man possessing Godlike characteristics.
This argument can be made in relation to the scriptures and teachings stemming from Christianity and Judaism.

The Physical Realm

According to  Rabbinical interpretation of the book of genesis, it was through the letters of the Hebrew alphabet that the universe was created. Thus, the physical world is then also to be created through letter forming words along with the concept of numbers. To facilitate the creation of the physical world, the masses are indoctrinated with literary knowledge from a young adolescent age all the way through to graduating university. A person blinded by the kaleidoscope of symbolism would scoff at my criticism of knowledge and its implementation, dismiss the criticism as foolishness and harmful to civilisation. This I know. However, with me, integrity prevails. So what for integrity?, you may well likely ask. Who am I to trust contrary to leading academics from all if any facets of knowledge? To this, my answer again is integrity.

The perception of integrity by people today is the most descriptive example of the word ‘distorted’. The perception of integrity over time, has been distorted by a man made and induced kaleidoscope of symbolism designed for the purpose of perpetuating a vision for life on earth. Who dictates people's collective perception of reality dictates people's behaviour and aspirations. Lawmakers, academia conventions and committees (domestic and international), media outlets and renowned publishers all adhere to the same principles mentioned above. These factions purport the indoctrination of an artificial perception of reality into people's minds to facilitate the bringing about of a set vision for humanity. Integrity is what exposes a facade and to have integrity takes courage.

Article By Adham Tebbie

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