Letters of the english alphabet for example, are inherently ideas used to formulate correspondence in such a way comprehensible to the human mind. Through correspondence laws are laid, policies are enforced, news are disseminated, students are taught, stories are told and ideas are conveyed. Ultimately, one’s perception of the world and how they chose to live in it is a manifestation of the correspondence they’ve become aware of. Without the faculty of reason and rationality, correspondence has the tendency to be construed as undeniable truth or fact, especially if made by a figure of power for example by a politician, judge or professor. Prejudiced towards their own ideal way of living, a large number of people around the world accept and adhere to the words of those in prominent positions. This mode of thinking is a tyrant's dream.
I couldn’t ascertain the rationality behind the world-wide Covid-19 lockdowns. Majority of the people who died as a result of the virus were the elderly. Unfortunate yet understandable given their weakened immune system. On the other hand, I, a healthy and fit male in his 20’s would less likely be struck down by the virus for more than a few days. This assumption is based on my immune system and the very low fatality rate concerning people in my age bracket. Should I have caught the virus, I would’ve stayed home, I usually do when I fall ill. But to be prohibited from leaving my home by law to apparently protect me from the virus is just ridiculous. The elderly are the most at risk, so why not just impose lockdown measures on retirement homes or other places accommodating a high number of elderly people? Many victims of the virus had pre-existing health conditions, so if you had cause to be concerned for the elderly person you wished to visit, get tested. In my personal case, there was no justification for being put under house arrest. Covid-19 brought the world to a stand still and since money makes the world go round, government’s were forced to implement stimulus policies, offering monetary incentives to those unable to work due to their house arrests, I mean lockdowns. Government’s borrowed money to roll out the stimulus policies in effect resulting in national governments incurring more interest-based debt.
I think the global response to the outbreak was unfounded. But those without the faculties of reason and rationale had no other option but to comply with the lockdowns as the virus threatened the world that correspondence manifested in their mind. If I was a government Minister faced with the threat posed by a contagious virus, I would encourage my constituents to take measures in strengthening their overall health by making better lifestyle choices. For example, prioritising time for physical exercise and being more conscious of diet choices. Even if it just means going for an hour walk a day and including a few fruits and vegetables to their diet. Such leadership advice would undoubtedly decrease the chances of one getting sick and ultimately raising one’s levels of self-confidence in tackling any sort of sickness.
Above is a screenshot taken on the 10th of June 2021, depicting the Google Search result for ‘Covid cases in Australia’. You will notice that there has been a total number of 30,226 Covid-19 cases in Australia and the number of 910 deaths as a result. Every single one of those deaths are unfortunate events. No one has control over the timing of their death. However, what I wish to bring to your attention is the dash under the column of ‘Recovered’. The number of deaths subtracted from the number of cases equates to 29,316. Currently there are 13 active cases in Australia. Thus, by subtracting 13 from 29,316, we ascertain that the number ‘recovered’ stands at 29,303. Therefore, as of 10 June 2021, out of the 30,226 recorded Covid cases, 29,303 have recovered. Why isn’t this figure corresponded on Google? Would the narrative surrounding the fatality of Covid hold weight if the ‘Recovered’ figure was made apparent? Would you then think of the Covid-19 virus to be as deadly as portrayed through the media?
During the time that news on the Wuhan outbreak began to surface in Australia, I was part of a group discussion amongst work colleagues. The topic of discussion shifted to the outbreak. Unbeknownst of the developments in Wuhan, I sarcastically said that the virus was named Corona because it was transmitted to a person who was served a Corona drink with a cat virus infected lemon. The group believed me. Hadn’t I confessed that I was joking, they would’ve believed me up until the inevitable point where they'd be convinced otherwise. Had I said bat instead of cat, I would’ve convinced myself that I was psychic. But then again, many people would’ve associated the virus with the Corona beverage upon first hearing of it. Moral of the story is that people will believe anything without putting in the effort to verify whether it is true or not.
All which appear on your television or telephone screen are not promoted out of merit. The political, economic and societal ideas that receive worldwide coverage serve an ulterior motif. That ulterior motif is to indoctrinate your defenceless mind with what the media wants you to believe. Another example of correspondence with ulterior motives would be issues concerning the LBGTQ community. Based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2019 General Social Survey, 2.7% of adults identified as gay, lesbian or as having an ‘other’ sexual orientation. With no disrespect, why should the 97.3% of the population be bombarded with correspondence promoting gay rights and the alike which are only relevant to the 2.7%? Why is it necessary to make it my business to ensure that members of the 2.7% LBGTQ community are treated equally? Why should other people’s sexual preference even be made my business?
I don’t not guess the sexual preference of every person I encounter throughout my daily life, and to be quite frank, I wouldn’t be able to tell 100% of the time. It would be ridiculous to merely contemplate such a thing. It is none of my business. I don’t care, the same I don’t care for heterosexual partnerships. I think this aspect of one’s personal life shouldn’t be of any other person’s concern, other than of those who are personally affected. I’m not heartless. Life for a homosexual would be tough. Not only for them but for their families also. No matter the level of recognition raised to ensure homosexuals are not prejudiced against, one can only be so prepared to accept who they are and let alone be accepted by their families. Nevertheless, the responses undertaken by governments, the media, corporations and human rights activists to raise awareness of gay rights is again unfounded. The ulterior motif behind the gay rights movement is to encourage the barbarism displayed in events such as the Mardi Gra. The movement is normalising men wearing crop tops with short shorts and women not wearing anything at all but glitter and party decorations. This is not a showing of solidarity towards the LBGTQ cause but rather showing a lack of reason and rationality.
Correspondence articulated by political news anchors and political experts form the majority of people’s understanding of the role of government. Most people do not have the slightest awareness of the structure of a democratic government and its functional mechanisms. Drama requests the attention of constituents. Without drama, people wouldn’t show any interest in politics. If no interest is shown, politics would then be shrouded in mystery leading to doubt and speculation. Thus, to give the masses a sense of participation in the forming of government, elections are held and determined based on the drama corresponded by political news anchors and political experts. Elections are nothing more than popularity contests. When a new government is formed nothing changes, reason being, government policy is not driven by political drama.
The most talked about point from Biden’s inauguration was Bernie Sanders looking like he was sitting in front of a campfire. Barely any attention was given to the bible Biden used to swear in his presidential oath. Important dates in Biden’s family history are inscribed in the 5-inch thick bible. I find it ridiculously peculiar to have components of a family’s history included in a bible and be rendered as the words of God. Another interesting fact I came across when reading into Biden’s bible was that newly elected Georgia Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff, who is Jewish planned to use Hebrew scripture belonging to Rabbi Jacob Rothschild, an ally of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the civil rights movement. Communists funded the civil rights movement. The establishment of the first communist state in the Soviet Union was brought upon by the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik Revolution resulted in the death toll of 10 million people, most of whom were civilians. But never mind that, what was Bernie Sanders thinking? Come on Bernie.
Recently, I attended a protest/rally for Palestine amidst the week-long Israeli military assault on innocent civilians. I didn’t attend the protest a week prior, but the outrage maintained momentum warranting another protest a week later. You would gauge the level of disgust I have for Israel if you read my
But the reason why I didn’t participate in the first protest was because of the lack of awareness 90% of the world’s population have of the inhumane and demonic purpose for the creation of the Israeli state. Nevertheless, the outrage aimed towards Israel carried over another week so I thought I would try to help keep the momentum going and I attended the protest. As soon as I arrived, I saw several posters advocating socialism and even saw a flag for an Australian Communist State. Socialism was created in the 18th century, disseminated by Karl Marx in the 19th and implemented in the 20th century where over a 100 million people had been murdered under the order of socialist regimes. Occultists were behind the creation of Socialism as well as the creation of Israel, both separate facets of deviant blueprint for the world.
Furthermore, there is a wide misconception concerning occult Satanism. I noted Aleister Crowley in one of his books saying that Satanism is not devil worship. Satanism is actually anti-satan, Satanist rituals summon evil spirits for them to be defeated in the name of God. Satanism resonates with the Kabballistic idea that in order to defeat evil, it first must be manifested on Earth for it to be destroyed.
The German Nazi political party was a Socialist party. Hitler hated Jews so much that he helped facilitate the Zionist agenda in migrating European Jews to Palestine through the
Haavara Agreement. If you’re not a fan, please excuse my drip of sarcasm. The Haavara Agreement was not an event preceding Hitler’s murderous hatred as so claimed by historical and political “experts”. Before his appointment as the leader of the Third Reich, Hitler wrote a book called
Mein Kampf. In the book, Hitler labelled the Jewish race as a "parasite" growing in the minds of humanity. Hitler the Socialist, saw nothing wrong with helping the “parasite” in establishing its own state.
The material and evidence to help ascertain this vision is readily available for all to read. The Occultist vision for the world exists and your part in it is its prisoner. I confess that it would take many months if not years of reading and studying to grasp even the slightest understanding of the occultist plan. But it would be worth the effort as it will give you freedom. Went off tangent a little bit but this was important to say and so on that note I digress.
Article By Adham Tebbie
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