

A poster that says the aussie cossack enemy of the state
By Brandon McKenna November 17, 2021
The Aussie Cossack, Simeon Boikov - For the Australian People or for Putin? An exploration into the world of foreign influence operations.
By Adham Tebbie November 15, 2021
Minister for Health of NSW Brad Hazzard championed the Delta Variant as a long jump gold medallist a few days before announcing that NSW will enter lockdown in June. Can someone send me a link to the gold winning stats? Thanks in advance!
By Adham Tebbie October 22, 2021
The class action case against NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard regarding mandatory vaccination orders was set up for failure. As a result, legal precedence now states that the NSW Covid-19 Public Health Orders are reasonably appropriate.
By Adham Tebbie September 28, 2021
While at school, face masks are required in all indoor and outdoor settings for all staff, and all students in Year 7 and above. Masks are strongly recommended for primary students - NSW Education Department
A close up of a covid-19 virus on a black background.
By Adham Tebbie August 17, 2021
We will need to live with restrictions so long as Delta is around, so long as Delta has presence in the world, even if we had zero cases and we were at 80% double dose, you will still have to respect some rules that exist around vaccinations, around social distancing, around mask wearing. So long as Delta and deadly Covid is around we will always need to live with a measure of restrictions- Gladys Berejiklian at NSW Covid-19 Conference on 16 August 2021
By Adham Tebbie July 29, 2021
According to the NSW State Health Department, people at most risk are over the age of 70 and/or have a serious illness. Why is the entire NSW population being treated as being at most risk? Why aren’t health lockdown orders only applied around and within the vicinity of those at most risk?
A close up of a flame on a black background.
By Adham Tebbie July 18, 2021
The NSW State Government is subverting its responsibility and accountability in dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic by basing lockdown measures solely on health expert advice
By Adham Tebbie July 8, 2021
What we want to do is give us our best chance of making sure this is the only lockdown we have until the vast majority of our civilians have been vaccinated. We know the vaccine is key to our freedom - Gladys Berejiklian at 7th July 2021 NSW Covid-19 Update Conference
By Adham Tebbie July 1, 2021
Since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 the NSW State Government has referred to a collective number of Sydney Suburbs as ‘Greater Sydney’. Was it coined for transparency surrounding lockdown measures? No it was not.
By Adham Tebbie June 23, 2021
In announcing AFCA’s establishment, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said, "Its launch overhauls Australia's financial dispute resolution system, bolstering community confidence by providing consumers who have suffered a loss with greater access to free and fair dispute resolution. The establishment of AFCA is part of the Coalition Government's plan for a stronger economy and ensuring a fair go for all Australians.”
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