Freemasonry is a male fraternity group joined by men longing to discover their true identity. The secretive fraternity is said to offer knowledge and wisdom which has been preserved within the society. This knowledge and wisdom guides freemasons throughout their journey of climbing Masonic Ranks up until reaching the 32nd Degree, Master of the Royal Secret. The Royal Secret, simply put by many 32nd Degree Masons, is an understanding of God or communion with God. Notwithstanding the simplicity of this summary, it takes years if not decades to attain the 32nd Degree of Freemasonry, particularly in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
From initiation, onwards, members of the fraternity are taken on spiritual and emotional journeys through rituals and teachings of Freemasonry. Of course, the importance of secrecy is embedded into the minds of members, especially for the purposes of preserving the unchanged knowledge withheld in the fraternity. Ancient Egypt, The temple of King Solomon, Babylon, Jerusalem, The Zodiac, Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah) and the Laws of Nature and Physics are all subjects taught throughout the various Degrees of all Appendix Rites of Freemasonry.
Source: Watch the full documentary here
All in all, Freemasonry is a brotherhood helping men make the transition into manhood or mature masculinity per se. The fraternity advises its constituents on how a man should live his life up until the time of his death. The idea of finding one’s self and purpose in life is a major theme demonstrated throughout the entirety of one’s journey climbing up Mason Degree Ranks. In discovering one’s self, one must understand the laws governing nature and energy as his flesh is subject to those laws, thus, then realises a part of him that is not subject to the laws of nature but instead is in tune with God, that part of him is his soul, the manifestation of his super conscious, conscious and subconscious.
Source: Watch the full documentary here
Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (1997) written by Aryeh Kaplan conveys a concise deconstruction of the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation/Creation) as a mystic, meditative and philosophical text, heavily incorporating magical overtones. In general, Sefer Yetzirah consists of thirty-two paths to wisdom defined as different states of consciousness known as Sefirot. These thirty-two paths are just one of many commonalities between the Kabbalah and Freemasonry.
Jewish sages teach their followers that one of the main reasons why man was placed in a physical world was to overcome the forces of evil. The Zohar expresses it by stating that we (humans) are here “to turn darkness into light”. Aryeh Kaplan in his book Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (1997) said that in the spiritual realm, it is utterly impossible to bring two opposite, they are by definition, poles apart. This is made in reference to the distinction between God and Man. Thus, for example, God and man are worlds apart - “as the heavens are higher than the earth”. On a purely spiritual plane, it would be totally impossible for the two ever to be brought together. It was for this reason that God created the concept of space to accommodate the man’s creation of the physical world.
It is only in a physical being that both good and evil can exist together in the physical man. One reason why God created man in a physical world was to allow him to have full freedom of choice, with both good and evil as part of his makeup. Without a physical world, these two concepts could never exist in the same being. Spiritual things can be bound to the material, just as, for example, the soul is bound to the body. Two opposites can then be brought together by being bound to physical objects. In the physical world, space exists, and two opposites can literally be pushed together. Moreover, two spiritual opposites can even be bound to the same material object. For more on this, visit this
Revolutionaries such as Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Charles Fourier and Francis Bacon were all Freemasons and attributed their works to occult teachings. Pythagoras also implemented occult teachings to develop his mathematical algorithms. The works of all these men defied conscious understanding of their day. Especially the physicians and mathematicians as they introduced an understanding of the finite world. Their teachings laid the platform for future generations to use the understanding of the finite realm to create life changing innovations such as aeroplanes and technological advancements. Again, to gauge an understanding of the finite realm is beyond the human's conscious mind but was made possible through mystic teachings. Masonic Law is saturated with mystic teachings and esoteric beliefs. Essentially, the purpose of Mystic Occultism is to channel the light and wisdom of God which is claimed to be present in the minds of mankind. To attain this wisdom is the end goal of Freemasonry. Every generation of Freemason members work on the platform laid by knowledge sourced by preceding generations. Actualising the ideal form of human civilisation is an evolutionary cycle.
Traditionally, Stonemasonry is the craft of shaping rough pieces of rock into accurate geometrical shapes, mostly simple, but some of considerable complexity, and then arranging the resulting stones, often together with mortar, to form structures. Although, Freemasonry was created by stonemasons for stonemasons, through time, the fraternity widened its criteria requirements for constituents to men of all professions that shared the same principles regarding manhood, ethics and morality. Nevertheless, the fundamentals of Freemasonry have remained unchanged over time.
The link between the Sefer Yetzirah and Freemasonry lies within the practical essence of the Sefer Yetzirah; the creation of the physical world. Stonemasons created structures out of shaped stones and rock, and does that correlate with Freemasons constructing the physical realm through their profession of expertise like a stonemason would build a structure out of stone? Yes because the fraternity makes them believe it is their destiny to do so, their purpose in life. Allow me to put this in perspective for you: A gavel is a tool used by stonemasons to hit a stone into place, this is the same gavel used by Judges in Court when handing down a decision. Upon handing down the decision, the outcome then becomes a legal precedent, common law subjected on to the masses. By slamming the gavel, the Judge is inserting and affixing their judgement into the construction of society.
Morals and Dogmas of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry published in 1871 was written by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike. The book considers all prominent religions and philosophical dogmas that had remained relevant for Hundreds of years up until the release of the book. I got to a part of the book that fascinated me, Pike's interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden was a version I found peculiar. The following is a passage from pages 401-402 of the book speaking about Adam in the Garden of Eden:
"The Son of Man or Soul of the World, enters into the Darkness, becomes its captive, to end by tempering and softening its savage nature. The Divine Spirit, after having brought back the Primitive Man to the Empire of Light, raises above the world that part of the Celestial Soul that remained unaffected by being mingled with the Empire of Darkness. Placed in the region of the Sun and Moon, this pure soul, the Son of Man, the Redeemer or Christ, labours to deliver and attract to Himself that part of the Light or of the Soul of the First Man diffused through matter; which done, the world will cease to exist."
The passage continues, "To retain the rays of Light still remaining among his Eons, and ever tending to escape and return, by concentrating them, the Prince of Darkness, with their consent, made Adam, whose soul was of the Divine Light, contributed by the Eons, and his body of matter, so that he belonged to both Empires, that of Light and that of Darkness."
Finally goes on to say, "To prevent the light from escaping at once, the Demons forbade Adam to eat the fruit of "knowledge of good and evil," by which he would have known the Empire of Light and that of Darkness. He obeyed; an Angel of Light induced him to transgress and gave him the means of victory; but the Demons created Eve, who seduced him into an act of Sensualism, that enfeebled him, and bound him anew in the bonds of matter. This is repeated in the case of every man that lives."
Contrary to Islamic and Christian beliefs, Pike claims that the demons of evil forbade Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge and one of God’s angels induced him to transgress the commands of the forbidding demons. Thus, the God believed by the followers of Islam, Christianity and Judaism is the devil and the devil in Islam Christianity and Judaism is Pike's true God, the bringer of Light, the bearer of knowledge, Lucifer.
According to, the most notable 33rd (highest attainable level) degree Masons and former U.S presidents are George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and Gerald Ford.
Notable people affiliated with Freemasonry include Winston Churchill, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, J. Edgar Hoover, Silvio Berlusconi, Jesse Jackson, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Snr (father of MLK Jnr), Scottie Pipen, Shaquille O’Neil, Edmond Barton (First Australian Prime Minister), Benjamin Franklin, Lyndon B. Johnson, John S. McCain, Robert Menzies (12th Australian Prime Minister), Harry M. Warner, Jack L. Warner, Jack M. Warner Samuel L. Warner (All members of the Warner brothers were Ashkenazi Jews), Adam Weishaupt (founder of Illumanti, Illumanti means the enlightenment of knowledge), George Reid (4th Prime Minister of Australia), Earle Page (11th Prime Minister of Australia), John Northcott (Australian Soldier and Grand Master of New South Wales Lodge), John McEwen (18th Prime Minister of Australia). All these names and I’ve barely scratched the bottom of the barrel.
Members of Freemasonry vehemently deny allegations that the secrecy surrounding the fraternity is a strategy to suppress evil undertakings from the attention of the general public. I agree that the allegations are false. Freemasonry is nothing more than a group of men convening together for dinners, hobby activities and to gain an understanding of the morality and integrity of gentlemen. Members of the fraternity are taught that the bond of brothers can only be upheld through loyalty and trustworthiness. In other words, they scratch each other's backs.
Within Freemasonry friendships are formed and elements of those friendships extend to outside gatherings and rituals held in Mason Lodges. On the basis of loyalty and trustworthiness, Masons use their friendships with other Masons for their own personal gains, in particular to further their own careers. The idea of loyalty, morality and integrity is a red-herring to mask selfish agendas to the point where Masons develop a reliance on the fraternity to achieve their individual goals. The higher a Mason climbs in ranks, he is secret knowledge that is unbeknown to anyone who isn’t a Mason of that particular rank. The Mason would feel the need to owe the fraternity for how far they have come in life, thus, upholding the pledge to not share the secretive activities undertaken within the fraternity.
Majority of people who have undertaken the role of being President or Prime Minister were Freemasons. On this basis, it would be appropriate to presume that these Presidents and Prime Minister owe their loyalty to their Masonry brethren before the masses they swore to serve. Priority is owed to their Freemason brethren before you. This is the biggest secret the fraternity tries its hardest to protect. For example, the unsuspecting masses attribute the influence of big corporations to capitalism but capitalism is really a red-herring protecting the presence of an impenetrable bond between Mason brethren.
The world is a foundation on which Masons can construct their conceptual ideas. Given that Masons do indeed believe in God, they believe that God created the universe therefore in order for one to build on God’s foundation, they need to attain an understanding of God, the foundations they wish to build on. This is the Royal Secret that only 32nd and 33rd degree Masons of many Appendix Rites, an understanding of God. Read this
article for more on this subject.
Article by Adham Tebbie
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