According to the Encylopedia Britannica a Semite is a member of a people speaking any of a group of languages presumably derived from a common language. The Encyclopedia also conveys that Semitic Languages, languages that form a branch of Afro-Asiatic language Phylum. Furthermore, members of the Semitic group are spread throughout North Africa and Southwest Asia and have played preeminent roles in the linguistic and cultural landscape of the Middle East for more than 4,000 years. However, it is important to mention that Sephardic Jews who make up a minority of the world's Jewish population are in fact of Semitic descent. The non-Semitic majority of the Jewish Population are the Ashkenazi Jews. Nevertheless, the majority of Jews today are not of Semitic origin. Thus, the phrase Anti-Semitism is void in meaning.
The Thirteenth Tribe, the Khazar Empire and It’s Heritage (1976) written by Arthur Koestler discusses archaeological evidence linked to the origins of Judaism in Eastern Europe. Koestler conveys in his book, the Kingdom of Khazaria rose to prominence in the 7th century and was one of the most dominant regions before its downfall in the 13th century brought upon by Genghis Khan. Roughly in between the years 740 and 800, the King of Khazaria realised that his kingdom was under threat of being usurped by the Christian dominated Byzantines in Europe and the Muslim Khalifate in the Arab Peninsular. The Khazaria King, King Bulan began contemplating strategies to alleviate the threats posed by the Christians and Muslims. At this point in history Christians and Muslims were not sworn enemies so King Bulan conceded that his kingdom may be subject to a joint coup.
One of King Bulan's ideas was to convert the masses of Khazaria to convert from paganism to a monotheistic religion of either Christianity, Judaism or Islam. The king summoned a priest, Babylonian rabbi and an imam to prove which of their Gods was the true God. History dictates that the Babylonian rabbi was the most convincing of the three. The king then ordered the rabbi to educate him and his masses about Judaism although there is no historical evidence that the Khazarians indeed adopted Judaism into their daily lives but rather maintained their pagan way of life.
Arthur Koestler in his book analyses an archeological artefact in the form of a travel log relating the lifestyle of peoples Volgar Bulgar region. The travel log details the way of life of the Volga Bulgar people when the writer of the travel log was on his way to Khazaria. The Volga Bulgar region is directly below the Kingdom of Khazaria thus the travel log does not specifically detail the lifestyle of the Khazarians however their lifestyles were quite similar if not identical.
Upon reaching the Volga Bulgar country, the locals allowed travellers to stay in their settlement before heading back to their homeland. Initially the travellers were heading towards Khazaria but intercepted by the Volga Bulgars and denied proceeding any further towards Khazaria. Nonetheless, the traveller documented the lifestyle which he observed in his time in the Volga Bulgar settlement.
The settlers were barely clothed, women had their breasts and genitals exposed and even on one occasion a woman spread her legs in front of a few travellers to scratch her genitalia whilst her husband was sitting right beside her. The traveller and his companions immediately turned away and sought forgiveness from God for seeing such a sight. The husband laughed at them and told them the ultimate test for a man is to abstain from sex with a woman who exposes herself to him.
Furthermore, the travellers also learnt that if a man or woman slept with another married person their hands will be tied to a branch of one tree and their legs tied to a branch of another tree. Those tree branches are forcefully pulled towards each other and once the culprit’s limbs are tied; the branches are released resulting in the culprit’s body being split into two.
Lastly, whoever showed any signs of intelligence was hung to death. Reason being the intellect of that person was seen as a threat to their way of life, they would be damned to have any smart person suggest a better way of living.
The United Nations was established at the end of World War II. Australia’s United Nations delegate was Dr Herbert Vere Evatt. Evatt during his tenure at the United Nations was the third president of the UN General Assembly and was Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine which proposed the partition of Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states. Representatives from the Palestinian government and Zionist Representatives convened in congregation as part of the Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine to reach a resolution to end the Jewish-Palestine problem. It would be absurd for any lawyer to even consider the likelihood of a national government’s interests being overlooked for the benefit of a non-government organisation. Of course, the issue of giving legal standing to a non-government as if it was a nation was raised.
H V Evatt and the Establishment of Israel: Undercover Zionist (2004) by Daniel Mandel
speaks on the issue of legal standing. The book conveys that
this issue was neutralised by Evatt who was in the view that Zionism was acting on behalf of the Jews in Palestine proclaiming that there are two nations present in Palestine that cannot live or co-operate together under one government. The Jews Evatt was referring to were the Ashkenazi Jews not the semitic Sephardic Jews, Sephardic Jews did not want their own government.
Furthermore, Mandel says during the resolution process, there was a point in the proceedings where participants of the committee were convinced by a presentation advocating the unitary state proposal that became the official Arab and Muslim position had demolished the Jewish Case. Evatt was having a difficult time getting his way, so he proposed the creation of a sub-committee to consider the plans for the machinery of government intended for both partition and unitary government alternatives. The prolonging of the resolution process granted more time to the Zionists to sway the once pro-Palestine consensus into their favour. An 18-month long process was treading stagnant waters however the proceedings swiftly got underway once the Zionists got the majority they were after, a resolution was reached two months later.
The book Against Our Better Judgement (2014) by Alison Weir recalls Gordon P. Merriam who was the head of the State Department’s Division of Near Eastern Affairs stating that “U.S support for partition of Palestine as a solution to that problem can be justified only on the basis of Arab and Jewish consent. Otherwise we should violate the principle of self-determination which has been written into the Atlantic Charter, the declaration of the United Nations, and the United Nations Charter – a principle that is deeply embedded in U.S foreign policy. Even a United Nations determination in favour of partition would be, in the absence of such consent, a stultification and violation of UN’s own charter”.
Before the settlement of Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine, Palestinian Muslims, Jews and Christians were living in harmony as neighbours. I have no sources to support this claim because there are no sources that have reported restless behaviour or conflict between Muslims, Jews and Christians in Palestine before the formation of the Israeli State.
Alison Weir in Against Our Better Judgement The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel notes reported incidents where Zionist representatives attempted to and were successful in persuading UN diplomats to change their vote from against to in favour of the partition of Palestine.
Robert Nathan, a Zionist who had worked for the U.S. government and who was particularly active in the Jewish Agency, wrote afterward, “We used any tools at hand,” such as telling certain delegations that the Zionists would use their influence to block economic aid to any
countries that did not vote for partition.
Financier and long time presidential advisor Bernard Baruch told France it would lose U.S aid if it voted against partition. Top White House presidential aide David Niles organized pressure on Liberia through rubber magnate Harvey Firestone, who told the Liberian president that if Liberia did not vote in favour of partition, Firestone would revoke his planned expansion in the country. Liberia voted yes.
Latin American delegates were told that the Pan-American highway construction project would be more likely if they voted yes. Delegates’ wives received mink coats (the wife of the Cuban delegate returned hers); Costa Rica’s President Jose Figueres reportedly received a blank cheque book. Haiti was promised economic aid if it would change its original vote opposing Partition.
Long time Zionist Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, along with ten senators and
Truman domestic advisor Clark Clifford, threatened the Philippines (seven bills on the
Philippines were pending in Congress).Before the vote on the plan, the Philippine delegate had given a passionate speech against partition, defending the inviolable “primordial rights of a people to determine their political future and to preserve the territorial integrity of their native land...”
The delegate went on to say that he could not believe that the General Assembly would
sanction a move that would place the world “back on the road to the dangerous principles of
racial exclusiveness and to the archaic documents of theocratic governments.” Twenty-four hours later, after intense Zionist pressure, the Philippine delegate voted in favour of partition.
According to the Congressional Research Service in the United States, the United States Government has given Israel $102 billion in Military aid funds from 1946 to 2020. Also, a further $6 billion in Missile Defence aid funds from 1946 to 2020. Overall Aid funds given to Israel by the United States exceeds over $142 billion from 1946 to 2020.
Jack Bernstein in his book The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel, delves into the Lavon Affair. He states that " In 1954 a group of Israeli's set off a series of bombings of American institutions in Egypt including the American Embassy. They expected that Egypt would be blamed for the bombings and cause a break in U.S.-Egyptian relations."
In the midst of the Six-day war between Israel and allied Arab countries, the Israeli Airforce unleashed a barrage of military strikes on the USS Liberty ship. Jack Bernstein, in his above-mentioned book also delves into the deliberate Israeli attack on United State's USS Liberty ship. Bernstein stated that Israel attacked the USS liberty ship after realising that the ship was recording all the treacherous acts committed by Israel, the Israeli leaders wanted to destroy all the evidence of their treachery.
The media labelled this incident as an honest mistake however testimonies from the remaining survivors vehemently denied the attack being an accident, the testimonies of the survivors are included in the book The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel's deadly 1967 Assault on U.S Spy Ship (2010) by James M. Scott.
To be Continued in Part 2 (Link to Part 2)
Article by Adham Tebbie
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